

  • Hotham Alpine Base officially opened
  • Cool new pumper for Mt Hotham CFA
  • Fire Safety Skills for Building Owners and Managers
  • Snow Safety
  • One Hour Out - free event listing
  • Drone use reminder
  • Throw it in the right bin

Cool new pumper for Mt Hotham CFA

Victoria’s alpine communities will be further protected, with the CFA welcoming three new specialised firefighting vehicles to its alpine brigades in time for the 2022 snow season.

The tracked pumpers have been specifically designed to operate in snow and other challenging elements that are unique to alpine environments. Mt Hotham-Dinner Plain Captain Terry Crisp said it is a great improvement for volunteers and the community.

The new tracked pumpers cost a total of $2.03m and were funded by the Victorian Government after the Fire Services Statement listed new specialist vehicles among its priorities.   Read more...

Hotham Alpine Base officially opened

Mt Hotham's new community facility, the Hotham Alpine Base located at Whiskey Flat, was officially opened by Danielle Green, Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Vcitoria and Sport, on Saturday 11 June.

The new building provides accessible, multipurpose public faciliies incorporating community space, changing rooms and toilets, as well as basic kitchen facilities to provide catering options for groups and events.

The design, inspired by the Bogong Moth, is environmentally sensitive, using insulation, water saving and re-use, solar panels and efficient lighting control to minimise energy and water use.

The building's public facilities are available 24 x 7 and the event space can be booked by contacting the RMB at
Fire Safety Skills for Building Owners and Managers

It's essential that all building owners and managers know how to prevent or deal with a fire during winter. The CFA is running an information session at The General, Mt Hotham.

Date: 20 June 2022
Time: 8:30-11:30am

Come along and find out how to minimise the chances of fire impacting your property.

A free breakfast is provided. Please use the QR code to register.

Snow safety

Emergency exits
With the big early falls of snow we've been blessed with this season, it's important to ensure that building occupants can easily get out if there is an emergency.

It's critical to keep emergency exits free of ice, snow and obstacles.

Snow shed from roofs
With recent heavy snowfalls, many buildings have a significant snow load, especially on roofs and eaves. Forecast warmer weather may result in snow shed from buildings.

Please ensure:
  • where possible, remove snow from roofs and eaves
  • areas around buildings where snow may shed are roped off or inaccessible
  • guests are advised to LOOK UP and BE AWARE of snow shed from roofs
  • children are supervised in the snow at all times

Icy slopes and steep terrain
Whilst it is great fun to explore the resort, stakeholders are asked to be aware of, and remind guests of, the possibility of soft snow freezing, resulting in icy areas. This may occur particularly in areas of steep terrain, such as behind lodges, but also on pathways and roads.

Again a reminder that children should be supervised at all times.

Tobogganing in designated areas
Snow across the resort has tempted guests to recreate, including toboggan, in areas not suitable for safe activity. Stakeholders are asked to courteously remind guests:
  • Wire Plain (Bus stop 12) is the designated toboggan area, with facilities purpose-built for tobogganing
  • Tobogganing outside designated areas could be potentially dangerous

One Hour Out - list your event free

Since One Hour Out, the Melbourne-based tourism website, launched the Regional Events & Festivals Calendar last year, it has quickly become the most visited part of their website. It seems there is a real demand for a highly curated list of quality events across regional Victoria.

They are now seeking new events to be listed for winter and spring. From big festivals to small themed lunches and exhibitions, all events are welcome.

And the best bit is, it's totally free (with options to promote your event further if you wish).

Just click the link below to add your event details.
Drone use reminder

Mt Hotham has a strict policy prohibiting recreational drone use within the resort during winter. Please read and print this for your guests, or provide this link in your guest communications.
Throw it in the right bin!

The RMB processes all waste within the resort, and your help using the correct disposal option helps keep processing costs down.  Please refer to the RMB website for full details of what can be disposed, and which bags to use. You can also download posters for your property to help your guests do the right thing too.

Additional bags can be ordered from the RMB - email

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